impose on
- v.强迫;欺骗

People sense your strength and do not impose on you .
When one has had to work so hard to get money , why should he impose on himself the further hardship of trying to save it ?
" I want you to feel the pain you are trying to impose on the butterfly . "
I don 't want to impose on you .
Tax department impose on the power of the country .
You shouldn 't impose on his good nature .
Relational benefits impose on customer value through relationship commitment .
Don 't impose on students such heavy charges .
You face the most awesome task society can impose on you .
Why should you let this fellow impose on you ?
Capacity decision is a critical aspect of operations management due to the constraints it may impose on other planning activities .
He who has suffer 'd you to impose on him , knows you .
Designers of responsibility accounting systems need to understand the reputational costs managers impose on one another within internal labor markets .
To impose on someone 's hospitality .
Thank you , but I don 't think I 'll stay the night ; I don 't want to impose on you .
It is , instead , a human opinion that its promoters and defenders impose on the Bible .
They include a ceiling on tariff levels governments can impose on various imported goods and another dealing with the protection of intellectual property .
Patent law can impose on applicants the obligation to disclose sources of used biological materials and evidences of PIC in patent application .
The woman 's miracles would not impose on a rabbit : she does not claim them as miracles herself .
We will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty , for or own sovereignty is not for sale .
Concentration-that is , the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first .
But these projects count for little in comparison with the massive economic burden that tobacco-related diseases will impose on African economies in the future .
The price control authority may impose on the auctioneer a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of the commission for auction .
The benefits are the costs that the enemy 's attack , the attack that going to war now will thwart , will impose on the nation .
The dissertation analyzes region regulation of the WTO . the influence that the regional economic integration impose on the world economic integration , and the development of some representative regional economic integration organizations .
Commercial banks are challenged by the " uncertain liquidity requirement ", which forms the core part among impacts that commitment off-balance-sheet operations impose on commercial banks ' liquidity .
Proponents of the idea argue , first , that American producers would otherwise be disadvantaged by the higher costs that their country 's stricter standards impose on them .
She also takes issue with the idea that China wants to impose on the world its way of doing things , fostering a Beijing consensus to replace the existing Washington consensus .
This exchange of moieties seems to impose on these social orders in real life , in real terms , a way of making society more equal than it might otherwise be .
Since Nixon did not want to admit that he needed guidance , he would impose on himself the extraordinary discipline of committing these memoranda to memory .